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She awakened to a deep fog. It choked her, and she was relieved when it cleared, revealing another kit and her parents. She knew where she was. She hated it here. One apricot tabby kit was playing with the two adults, a cream tabby and a ginger Bengal. Another cream bengal kit was sitting by herself, waiting for her turn. She looked not bored, but idle. She knew it was a mask- it was her. It would be like this for a bit.


Later, the kit of silence had grown unsatisfied. Her parents were always focusing on the apricot kit, who was the more charismatic of the pair. Her parents intended to only have one kit but you can't control that. They needed a kit persuasive enough to lead a group of cats to get rid of another group of cats, and the cream kit wasn't very persuasive. these groups aren't the clans. One day, the kit-now-apprentice age find a fox near her den. She warns her family, so they move.


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