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I'm in a cold, dark meadow at night. There's soft moss everywhere. Perfect for naps. There are herbs growing everywhere, too. I don't know what most of them do, but I like the smell. I don't trust this dream, if I learned anything from the last one. I look at a pile of moss. I could sleep. I do like naps, but I feel like I have something to do, like I'm forgetting something. Maybe it's just nothing's gone wrong yet, and I don't trust that. Like at all. I don't trust a lot of things. I've been living in a clan long enough to know everyone but Shadowclan is an idiot. Speaking of which, I wonder about her parents. She hoped they regretted treating her as a backup for some selfish plot. Before the attack, she always had a feeling her sister wasn't beyond repair, though. It had changed. I'd feel sorry for her sister, but I can't forgive an attack like that. I look back at the nest. It's a trap, isn't it? Nothing bad has happened so far, though, and it's a just a dream, so maybe I can lay down for a bit, no harm. As I close my eyes, I awake.


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